Faculty Fellowships
2023 Faculty Fellowship Application Information
Apply for a 2023 CNAIR Faculty Fellowship Here
The Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) calls for proposals for faculty fellowship awards, to be awarded for the 2023 academic year. As the university’s and Chicago’s intellectual hub for Indigenous centered and Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) research, CNAIR supports undergraduate, graduate, and faculty fellows. We invite continuing faculty (including teaching track faculty with continuing appointments) working in any department or school at Northwestern, including the Feinberg School of Medicine and Pritzker School of Law, to apply for fellowship funding.
CNAIR seeks to support faculty working in any discipline whose research engages Native American & Indigenous peoples and/or who center Indigenous research and Native American and Indigenous Studies methodologies. Fellows participate in CNAIR’s community by attending Center talks and workshops, including regular lunch seminars and talks by invited speakers, by presenting about their work at the annual research symposium held in the spring.
CNAIR anticipates awarding fellowships of between one and two quarters of funding (a 50% teaching reduction or full year of supported leave). Applicants must be eligible for a leave and must secure the approval of the department chair before applying. Applicants for a teaching reduction may not have been on leave in 2021-2022
For applicants from Weinberg:
Only those eligible for a leave in 2021-22 may apply to expand the normal one-quarter leave into a full-year leave. Teaching reductions do not count against a faculty member’s ongoing “leave clock.” Applicants from Bienen, Medill, and the School of Communication must also secure approval from their Dean in addition to their Department Chair.
Application process:
Applications are due by January 9, 2023. Please submit the following documents to the application form.
- A one paragraph abstract of your project, focusing on the research you propose to complete during your fellowship. Please indicate how many quarters of funding you are requesting.
- A one paragraph (300 words max) description on how you will engage with and center Native and Indigenous communities and/or knowledges in your research project during your fellowship year.
- A 5 page maximum (double spaced) research proposal that is legible to an interdisciplinary
selection committee. Please describe your project and your goals while on fellowship;
describe your methodology and indicate how it aligns with the Center’s mission; and situate your research or teaching within field or discipline. Professors of instruction should describe a project related to their teaching and describe how it will benefit their teaching upon their return from leave. - 1 page project bibliography.
- C.V.
- Two letters of reference (one may be from a Northwestern faculty member)
- Approval from your department chair and/or dean (email correspondence will suffice)