Curriculum Enrichment Fellowship
Apply for a curriculum enrichment fellowship here
CNAIR is pleased to announce faculty grants for curriculum enhancement and design as part of faculty fellowships. Award recipients will be invited to present the results of their curriculum design at the Center’s annual spring research symposium . If you have any questions regarding the application please email cnair@northwestern.edu - The Curriculum Design Grant will provide faculty with resources to create and integrate Indigenous Methodologies and Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) course content into their classes. We anticipate that the outcome of the grants may include course redesigns, new content added to an existing course, or new pedagogical methods. For example, faculty might conduct research on Indigenous Studies pedagogies and incorporate them into a course; they might plan a new course topic informed by NAIS. We welcome fellowship applications from faculty in all disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, business, law, and medicine.
- Course Enhancement Fellowship Budgets: Awards can range from $500 - $10,000. Only $5,000 can be requested for summer salary. Please note that the grants do not support faculty research except in cases when that research directly affects undergraduate teaching.
- Course Enhancement Fellowship Requirements: Applications must be submitted with a budget. Applications should relate to CNAIR mission and vision and/or the CNAIR theme for the year. Funds should benefit an entire class/course. Fellowship can cover activities for a course, guest lectures, or a complete course design/re-design.
- Designing a New Course or Re-Designing an Existing Course? We ask that applicants commit to teaching the course within 1 year of receiving the funding. We will request a letter of support from your department chair
Application Requirements/Questions
- General Information: Email, First & Last Name, School, Department, CV
- Course Instructor(s)
- Course Title
- Course Number(s) - please include co-listing units If creating a new course and # is not yet known please write, "New Course"
- Quarter & Year Class Will be Offered
- Expected Enrollment/Class Size
- Course Description - Please provide short course description from Registrar's Office/CAESAR. If creating a new course and description is not yet known please write "New Course"
- Native & Indigenous Community Engagement - Please provide a one paragraph (300 words max) description on how you will engage with and center Native and Indigenous communities and/or knowledges in your fellowship year
- Department support for new course design/re-design - For course design (or re-design), a letter of approval and commitment to offering the course from your department chair (email correspondence will suffice) We recommend you secure approval 1 month prior to the application deadline. Please upload or forward correspondence to cnair@northwestern.edu by the application deadline
- Curriculum Enrichment Proposal - A proposal (double spaced, 5 pages max) for the curriculum enhancement and/or design. Proposals should include the following elements: (1) Specify how you are enhancing/or re-designing your course (are you inviting speakers? are you taking your course on an excursion? developing workshop? are you creating a new unit? redesigning the focus of a course? Seeking to research and apply new methodologies?) (2) Explain how the course aligns with CNAIR’s mission, vision, and goals and/or theme (3) Please indicate the anticipated results of your work - how will it transform student learning at Northwestern, and how will it contribute to NAIS course offerings?
- Course Enhancement Budget - Please provide a detailed budget with activities. Budget plans should include how you plan on using the requested funds to enhance your course - include speakers & honoraria , excursion details, workshop plans, resources, etc. The budget may include up to $5000 in summer salary. Please note that the curriculum enrichment fellowships do not support faculty research except in cases when that research directly affects undergraduate teaching