Fellowships provide support to undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. Awards can be used to support new or current research. We also provide course enhancement grants!
Our theme from 2023 through 20233 is Indigenous Futures: 100 Years Back, 100 Years Forward. It has been 100 years since the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act was passed. CNAIR sees this historic moment as an opportunity for engagement and reflection on the past 100 years and to imagine forward for the next 100 years. Our
Our Visiting Elders and Artists Program brings community elders as well as new or established scholars and artists from other institutions to Northwestern for either a one-time fixed term or on a multi-year basis.
Native American and Indigenous Initiatives
Northwestern is committed to enhancing inclusion of Native Americans in many aspects of the University community. The Office of the Provost is leading the initiative on Native American Inclusion and reviewing and responding to recommendations of the Task Force, as well as stimulating additional ideas and directions through conversations across the University. The mission of this site is to provide updated information on the ongoing progress of this initiative. It additionally serves as a resource for faculty, staff, and community interested in teaching about Native American and Northwestern University history and the Sand Creek Massacre. The John Evans Study Committee Report, completed in May 2014, and the Native American Outreach and Inclusion Task Force Report, released in November 2014, provided valuable research, analysis, insight and recommendations to the President and Provost.
Indigenous Tour of Northwestern
The site includes an interactive map with videos and descriptions of important locations on campus.
Resources and activities throughout November organized to celebrate Native American History Month.
Fellowships provide support to undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. Awards can be used to support new or current research. We also provide course enhancement grants!
The brown bag series is open to all students, faculty, staff, and community. This series will be held in-person and virtually and requires registration.