Co-Sponsorship Application

A ten-year era for the Center for Native American and Indigenous Research
Beginning in the 2023-2024 academic year, and for the next decade, our theme is Indigenous Futures: 100 Years Back, 100 Years Forward. It has been 100 years since the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act was passed. CNAIR sees this historic moment as an opportunity for engagement and reflection on the past 100 years and to imagine forward for the next 100 years. We are at the beginning of a new era of reform in Indian country in which citizenship, belonging, culture, language, law, policy, and much more will be remade given the significant social, political, ecological, and economic challenges that all communities face in the coming century. Over the next decade, we aim to create collective engagement with the many layers and dynamics that are implicated both by the historical conditions that have created the present and what is critical in exercising self-determination over the next 100 years. CNAIR will focus this year’s programming on exploring this theme
Apply for a cosponsorship! Requests for cosponsorship should align with the theme Indigenous Futures: 100 Years Back, 100 Years Forward & CNAIR's mission/vision.
Apply for a cosponsorship