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Save the date! CNAIR Annual Research Symposium April 10th & 11th 2025

indigenousfutureswhitebckgd.pngBeginning in the 2023-2024 academic year, and for the next decade, our theme is Indigenous Futures: 100 Years Back, 100 Years Forward. It has been 100 years since the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act was passed. CNAIR sees this historic moment as an opportunity for engagement and reflection on the past 100 years and to imagine forward for the next 100 years. Apply for a co-sponsorship here! 

We're N this togetherWe're N this together

Center for Native American and Indigenous Research

2025 Events


Learn more about upcoming events!

Current Funding Opportunities


Apply for CNAIR funding by 2/28/2025!

CNAIR has a number of funding opportunities available that you can learn more about on our opportunities page! Here are direct links to some funding opportunities

  1. Tribal Nations & Indigenous Community Research Funding for up to $10,000
  2. Graduate Research Fellowship for 1 quarter of support 
  3. Undergraduate Research Fellowship 
  4. Staff Research Fellowship
  5. NAIS Conference Travel Funds - for NAIS undergradaute students 
  6. Faculty Course Enhancement Funds for Summer Salary/Funds
  7. Faculty Research Funding Fellowship for Summer Salary/Funds
  8. Faculty Fellowship for 1 Course Release  

First Year Student Information


Learn about the NAIS Minor!

Are you a first-year student or a transfer student? Learn more about our Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) minor. 

First Year Focus Page

Project Highlights


Strengthening Resilience of Manoomin

A Northwestern University-led research team has received a $5 million grant from NSF to develop new methods to help mitigate the effects of climate change on the Great Lakes and its surrounding natural ecosystems." This project began with relationship building and a willingness by Northwestern researchers to step back and invite our Indigenous partners to frame the research,” said Patty Loew (Mashkiiziibii-Bad River Ojibwe, CNAIR Inaugural Director). ..“The result is a project that is both meaningful and respectful to our tribal collaborators.” 

Read about the project and new Great Lakes region CoPe Hub

Tribal Constitutions

Northwestern CNAIR Affiliates and Professor of Law Erin Delaney and Northwestern Assistant Professor of Sociology Beth Red Bird work together on The Tribal Constitutions Project. Delaney and Redbird started the Constitutions Project in order to examine the evolution of tribal sovereignty through over 2000 tribal constitutions from over 300 tribal nations from the last 150 years. 

Read about the Tribal Constitutions Project

Learning In Places

Despite the growing awareness of socio-ecological challenges facing humans in the 21st century, science learning still mostly takes place inside the classroom, disconnected from the natural world. The University of Washington Bothell Goodlad Institute for Educational Renewal, Northwestern University School of Education and Social Policy, Tilth Alliance and Seattle Public Schools are partnering to change this status quo and create more culturally and community relevant, field-based learning opportunities for students. 

Visit the Learning In Places Website

Events and News


Annual Reports

Read the 2023-24 Annual Report

Read Our Annual Report


NAIS Guest Speaker Dylan Robinson

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Evanston

 We are very excited to remind you of our Winter Quarter invited guest speaker, xwélmexw professor DYLAN ROBINSON, coming to campus on ...

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